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Karen Stoner, LMT
Nov 3, 2020
20 Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #11
One of the biggest reasons why people don't return to a particular therapist is because the massage wasn't the pressure the client needed...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Nov 2, 2020
The Basics of Aromatherapy
Do certain smells remind you of things? Aromatherapy uses different scents and smells to create a change in the body by...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 28, 2020
20 Massage Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #10
Your therapist wants to make sure your massage gives you both relaxation, and help with your problem areas. Despite the perspective of...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 22, 2020
20 Massage Tips For (the rest of) 2020 #9
I have seen the following scenario play out many times: Client:"My [shoulder, neck, random other body part] hurts. It's been like that for..
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 13, 2020
20 Massage Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #8
Many people never want their massage to end, but just because it is over, doesn't mean you have to immediately hop up and run. After...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 12, 2020
When Should I NOT Get A Massage?
There are hundreds of articles, web pages, and experts who will tell you all the benefits of massage therapy and how often ...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 7, 2020
20 Massage Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #7
Imagine the scene: You have had a long stressful day. You finally ...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Oct 1, 2020
20 Massage Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #6
How often do we have the best intentions to do something, but then days, weeks, months later you realize - "Wait, I had wanted to do that...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 25, 2020
20 Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #5
Even though massage has lots of great benefits, there are a few times when it isn't a great idea. When you are sick...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 16, 2020
20 Massage Tips For (the rest of) 2020 #4
Yes, it's true. I have had many people apologize for not shaving their legs or asking me not to work on their feet because...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 10, 2020
20 Massage Tips For (the rest of) 2020 #3
Your massage therapist has likely told you to drink water after your massage. But have you ever wondered why they tell you this?
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 1, 2020
20 Massage Tips For (the rest of) 2020 #2
Nothing like trying to relax when you're stressed out about running late. Plan to be at your massage appointment about 5 minutes early so...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Aug 31, 2020
Safety Stuff for COVID Times
Everything around us is a little different right now. Here in Pennsylvania, Massage Therapy has also been impacted by COVID-19...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Aug 26, 2020
20 Tips for (the rest of) 2020 #1
Communication is key between therapist and client. Your massage should never hurt but should also feel like something is happening...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Apr 23, 2020
Stuff I'm studying in Quarantine. Part 1: Acupressure Taping
Since I have been mandated by the government to shut down my practice due to the COVID-19 virus, while I'm stuck at home, I realized...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 19, 2019
Massage Tips: How To Make A Hot Towel
A hot towel is a fast and easy way to get some moist heat relief for pain. Learn how to make one and how it can help your pain.
Karen Stoner, LMT
Sep 4, 2019
How Long Should My Massage Be?
One of the first things people notice when they are scheduling a massage is that unless they are looking for a very specialized service,...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Apr 10, 2019
How Often Should I Get A Massage?
We all know that massage is good for us. It benefits both our mental health by relieving stress and giving us a sense of calm, as well as...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Jan 25, 2019
Why Do I Have To Do Paperwork Before My Massage?
If you go in for a massage, chances are that you will be asked to provide some personal information before the massage begins, and that...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Jan 10, 2019
To Tip, Or Not To Tip Your Massage Therapist?
I recently had a client come in for a massage who admitted that she hasn’t really had many massages before. She asked “Is this like a...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Dec 28, 2018
Should You Talk Or Not Talk During Your Massage?
Massages are supposed to be a relaxing experience. But does relaxing mean the same thing to everyone? Case in point; one question that I...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Feb 1, 2018
Should I Use Heat Or Ice On My Injury?
If something hurts, one of the things that people tell you is to "Put ice on it" or likewise "Put heat on it". A common question that my...
Karen Stoner, LMT
Jan 4, 2018
3 Ways to keep "Too Much, Too Soon" from ruining your New Year's Fitness Resolutions
One of the most popular New Year's Resolutions is to lose weight and/or increase fitness. More than 45% of people make this resolution...
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